Welcome to the fifth Windows 365 Community newsletter! We highlight weekly Windows 365 news, tips, and tricks along with announcements from the world of the Cloud PC.

Let’s have a look at this week’s news from Windows 365 Cloud PC.

Microsoft Meets Community – Windows 365

In just four days, Microsoft Meets Community will go to the next round featuring an incredible set of community experts and Microsoft Engineering!

The speakers are Scott Manchester, Ben Whitmore, Donna Ryan, Patrick Köhler, Anoop Nair, Ankur Biswas and Christiaan Brinkhoff as well as Christian Montoya!

We, as the Windows 365 Community are happy to contribute with a few sessions and hope you made sure to register up! If not, please find the link here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-events/microsoft-meets-community-windows-365/ev-p/2679347

Public preview of Windows 365 Endpoint analytics

This week, Microsoft announced the public preview of Endpoint Analytics for Cloud PCs, which enables you to proactively monitor the deployed PCs. This gives more insights into the general resource performance and remoting connections. Read all details in the announcement article: Public preview of Windows 365 Endpoint analytics to proactively monitor Cloud PCs – Microsoft Tech Community

How to implement and manage Microsoft Windows 365 Cloud PC by Robin Hobo

Great and long-term community expert, Robin Hobo is back – and he wrote a great comprehensive blog about Windows 365 and how to deploy the service.

How to implement and manage Microsoft Windows 365 Cloud PC (robinhobo.com)

How to provision Windows 365 Business cloud PCs in just on-click

Experience how easy you could provision new Windows 365 cloud PCs Business cloud PCs in just one simple “license-assignment” click. Go check the video below to experience it yourself. Interested in Windows 365 Enterprise? Click here

Connect to your Cloud PC from your iPad running iPadOS

This week, Christiaan showed us again how flexible you can be in terms of devices to connect to your Windows 365 Cloud PC. This week he shows a video on how to connect from an iPad!

Sticker upgrade needed?

STICKERS GIVE AWAY! I just received the first batch of #Windows365 stickers to give away during events. I know events are a bit difficult due to the circumstances, but I want to give away some per mail ✉️! Respond below if you want one, you might be lucky 😉! pic.twitter.com/2ceCylNsDB

— Christiaan Brinkhoff (@Brinkhoff_C) September 4, 2021

Fresh new stickers arrived at Christiaans place and he started a shoutout, who wants to receive some stickers to give away to the community! If there is still a chance you should use it and communicate that via Twitter! The tweet is referenced above!

Windows 365 Cloud PC Audit Logs

Our very own Anoop has written another great blog post on how to gather Cloud PC audit logs through the MEM admin center portal.  He is outlining the details that you can review and explains how you can delete stale records, which can be set out quite easy. Want to learn more? Check out his post here: Windows 365 Cloud PC Audit Logs HTMD Blog (anoopcnair.com)

How to Reprovision Windows 365 Cloud PCs

Another great post by our very own Anoop on how to reprovision your Cloud PCs for your end-users. Anoop points out a very important fact, to keep user profiles backed up, because of possible data loss when reprovisioning the machine. Read the full article here: How To Reprovision Cloud PC Windows 365 HTMD Blog (anoopcnair.com)

Learn How to Resize Cloud PC Windows 365

Our friend Anoop has been very busy this week and so he released even a third article on how to perform the resizing of a Windows 365 Cloud PC! Read the full article here: Learn How To Resize Cloud PC Windows 365 HTMD Blog (anoopcnair.com)

Windows 365 Cloud provisioning scenarios

Microsofts Steven DeQuincey has published an article on how to provision cloud PCs in different scenarios. He walks through provisioning by location, different user personas, giving users multiple Cloud PCs, updating a provisioning policy and moving users between policies. This is really a great article that I highly suggest you to have a look at! Please find it here: Windows 365 Cloud PC provisioning scenarios – Microsoft Tech Community

Introducing Windows 365 Cloud PC

And we have another community article, which explains the new service offering Windows 365 by Chris Jeffery. The article has been published via LinkedIn and can be read here: Introducing Windows 365 Cloud PC | LinkedIn


Mastering Microsoft Endpoint Manager – Windows 365 book price discount

Christiaan Brinkhoff and Per Larsen’s book around Mastering MEM to learn to deploy and manage Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows 365 on both physical and cloud PCs – will become available soon. Go check for pre-ordering here!

Amazon.com: Mastering Microsoft Endpoint Manager: Deploy and manage Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows 365 on both physical and cloud PCs: 9781801078993: Christiaan Brinkhoff, Per Larsen: Books

Searching for your dream job at Microsoft?

Join the Engineering team as Senior Program Manager for Windows 365. The position is available from multiple locations over the world. If you’re interested, apply today! Senior Program Manager in Redmond, Washington, United States | Engineering at Microsoft

And that’s it for this week! We look forward to what’s coming up next week and keep you updated on our Content Hub!

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