Welcome to the one-hundred-fifty-third (153rd) edition of the Windows 365 Community newsletter! We highlight weekly Windows 365 news, free events, tips, and tricks from the world of the Cloud PC.

Windows App: What’s New and What’s Next | Windows in the Cloud

The Windows App is your new gateway to Windows 365. Azure Virtual Desktop, Microsoft Dev Box, Remote Desktop Services, and remote PCs – securely connecting you to Windows devices and apps. With the Windows App, you can evolve the way you manage Windows in the cloud and move from 16 different apps to just a single app that you can use and manage per platform!

Join this episode of Windows of the Cloud to see how it works and explore all the latest enhancements.

RSVP to the event here: Windows App: What’s New and What’s Next

Microsoft Teams and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Jan Mulder has written a great post about the future of MS Teams in VDI.

Microsoft Teams and a virtual infrastructure like Azure Virtual Desktop, Windows 365 Cloud PC, Citrix, or VMware can be challenging to achieve a good and stable Microsoft Teams experience, especially when using Teams for Teams Calls, Phone Calls, or Video Calls.

My first experience with Microsoft Teams and Windows 365 Cloud PC was about a year ago, and it worked reasonably well. The quality wasn’t perfect, but it was actually quite workable. Over the past year, I’ve heard from various people about Teams on a VDI environment, and they always had the experience that it just wasn’t quite there. And I can understand that.

Read the post by Jan here: Microsoft Teams and Windows 365 Cloud PC

Summer recap – what did we miss?

Ola Ström is a Windows and Devices MVP. He’s written an excellent recap of what’s been happening during the summer months.

Like all Swedes, summer means vacation mode for 4-5 weeks and that means not keeping up with what’s happening in the world.

So here is a recap of what’s been happening during the summer months.

Read the post by Ola here: Summer recap – what did we miss?

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